The Made & the Born

Instagram is the best social media channel for me to present my work and the quick contact via Insta is also a relief. No official salutation in your DM, but a succinct "hey! Love your music, let's work together!" And then don't think, just act. That is how my collaboration with The Made & the Born from Nashville (usa) came about. They make the music and I make the artwork. An awesome match.

Design song cover

In total I was allowed to design 4 songs. Can be used for social media and spotify. To give an extra dimension to the illustration, I often make a gif of my illustrations. Likewise for this series.

How do I proceed?

The fact that I really like their music helps of course. I always need music to get into a certain vibe that applies to all my illustrations. That's the process. The music of The made & the born is very accessible and they have something to say with their lyrics, so I can drown myself in it and then the images and the inspiration for the artwork come naturally.
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